National Infertility Awareness Week

1 in 8 couples suffer from infertility. I hate that we’re a part of this statistic with all my heart. I’ve joined this statistic against my will and against my desires. And against my greatest efforts. We are still waiting to understand why we are a part of this statistic. The not knowing is torturous. […]


It turns out that there actually IS something worse than IVF injections…having your IVF cycle cancelled. That is worse. Much, much, much worse. I have been dreading returning to this space to write about what happened. I have gone through a full spectrum of emotions about it. Everything ranging from intense anger, helplessness, and despair […]

IVF Day 1

Today is Day 1. I have finished my birth control. I started an oral steroid medication (dexamethasone) this morning and we have our ‘Baseline Appointment’ tomorrow (blood work and ultrasound) before we get the ‘go ahead’ to begin my ‘Stim’ injections to grow my eggs. I am actually sitting here typing and sipping my decaf […]

My Awful

First, the gritty details: I have 3 more days of my birth control pills (the nausea I’ve been experiencing from them the past 13 days has subsided, mostly) and then I begin a steroid pill and my injections for our egg retrieval. I will be giving myself a subcutaneous shot in the stomach (Menopur) and […]